It's been called "the healthiest oil on earth," and that just might be true. Coconut oil has been used for centuries in Ayurveda because of its healing properties and positive effects on the body and mind. And now, coconut oil is making its way into mainstream popularity as one of the ultimate superfoods.
Modern adopters know that coconut oil is ideal for cooking under high heat, and it adds a tasty flavor to meals, but many people don't know its true potential. To find out what coconut oil can do for you, let's take a look back at some of the ancient wisdom and traditions
Coconut Oil
About 20 years ago, tropical oils were implicated with coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke due to their saturated fatty acid content. They were removed from the US food supply. To replace their taste, aroma and mouthfeel, the food industry used partially hydrogenated fatty acids with trans bonds. Since trans fats have come under such criticism due to their relationship with elevated saturated fatty acids in the bloodstream, alternative oils and fats, including tropical oils, have been reexamined.
It is important to note that tropical oils have been used in food processing for decades. While nonhydrogenated vegetable oils have better lipid profiles than tropical oils, they are not as useful in food processing. Tropical oils are both functional and somewhat interchangeable with lard in savory food processing. Palm kernel oil is particularly useful in chocolates and frostings.
Though controversial, the ingestion of tropical oils in moderation may not be harmful and may prove to be beneficial. Their saturated fatty acid content is indisputable. However, they contain health-promoting nutrients such as phytonutrients, including carotenoids; antioxidants, including vitamin E; phenolic acids; and flavonoids-and MCTs. Like other debatable food sources, tropical oils should be viewed in context of the entire diet-not just their fatty acid compositions. And they should be used in moderation like other natural fats and oils.
The consumption of saturated oil could hasten the onset of cardiac problems, as suggested by certain research studies. Coconut oil, being a saturated oil, caused concern that adversely affected the prospects of the coconut industry. The major fatty acids of coconut oil are medium-chain fatty acids. A shorter chain length allows fatty acids to be metabolized without the use of a carnitine transport system. Since the short- and medium-chain fatty acids can be rapidly oxidized, they are less conducive to fat deposits compared with long-chain fatty acids. Early studies conducted in experimental animals fed a synthetic diet containing coconut oil as the source of fat have shown it to be atherogenic, since it is deficient in essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acid deficiency is known to facilitate the development of atherosclerosis. But under normal conditions, the possibility of essential fatty acid deficiency as such is quite remote, since their presence in other food items will offset any deficiency in coconut oil. Thus, the increase in lipogenesis observed in earlier studies was due to the faulty design of the experiments. Feeding coconut oil at normal levels along with other fats adequately supplemented with linoleic acid renders coconut oil neutral in terms of atherogenecity. Epidemiological studies also support this. The University of Kerala conducted a study in 64 volunteers and found no statistically significant alterations in the serum total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL-C/total cholesterol ratio, LDL-C/total cholesterol ratio, and triglycerides from the baseline values. Feeding coconut oil results in an increase in HDL cholesterol.
Coconut oil (Figure 8) constitutes the major commercial product of coconut. Coconut oil is used as a cooking fat, hair oil, body oil, and industrial oil. Refined coconut oil is prepared exclusively for industrial purposes and is widely used in the manufacture of biscuits, chocolates, icecreams, margarine, and confectionery items. It is also used for the manufacture of paints and pharmaceutical agents. Desirable properties such as a low melting point, resistance to rancidity, pleasant flavor, and easy digestibility make it an ideal ingredient in the food industry. Coconut oil is a source of many oleo chemicals such as fatty acids, methyl esters, and fatty alcohol. For cooking and toiletry purposes, it is commonly used in the form of filtered coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil, which is a high-quality oil, is prepared from the milk extracted from the raw kernel. This type of coconut oil is most suitable as a massage oil for babies
Because of the unique qualities of lauric acid (C:12) present, coconut oil is widely used in soaps and cosmetic manufacturing industries. Lauric acid is known to possess antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal qualities. It is converted to the monoglyceride monolaurin in the human or animal body. Monolaurin is antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal. Reports indicate that monolaurin is capable of destroying lipid-coated viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various pathological bacteria, including Listeria monocytogenes and Helicobactor pylori, and protozoa such as Giardia lamblia. It is synthesized in babies from the lauric acid of mother's milk. Capric acid, another fatty acid found in coconut, also has antimicrobial activities.
Tocopherols are the natural antioxidants present in coconut oil. The volatile flavor constituent of crude coconut oil includes ketones, lactones and ?-lactones of which ?L8 to ?C10 with undecan-2-1 as the major component at 290 p.p.m. and ?-decalactone as the major lactone component at 97 p.p.m. The flavor and aroma of coconut oil are attributed to ?-octalactone. Ketones are derived from the microbiological dissociation of fatty acids. The digestibility coefficient of coconut oil is higher (with 91.0% assimilable glycerides) than any other fat, including butter, and so it is digested more rapidly than any other fats. This easy digestibility makes it an essential ingredient for many ghee substitutes. TILL THIS)
Recently, coconut oil has garnered considerable attention in the lay press as a health food with a myriad of purported health benefits.69 Saturated fat comprises more than 90% of the fat content of coconut oil, the majority of which is in the form of medium-chain fatty acids.70 However, in contrast to the longer-chain saturated fatty acids more typically found in animal fats, medium-chain fatty acids are more easily metabolized.71 Recent data from a human trial suggest that coconut oil, at least in daily doses of 30 mL, may not have the same dyslipidemic properties and proinflammatory properties as other saturated fats.72 In addition, virgin coconut oil contains high concentrations of polyphenols and may therefore have antioxidant as well as antiinflammatory effects, as demonstrated in animal models.73,74 Nonetheless, there is a dearth of quality evidence from human trials assessing the antiinflammatory or overall health benefits of coconut oil, and additional data are needed before it can be strongly recommended as a component of an antiinflammatory diet.
Copra, which is obtained by drying coconuts, is the source of coconut oil. Power-driven rotaries and expellers are used for extracting oil from copra. This oil extraction is immediately followed by the separation of cake residue and mucilage by filtering or by settling
Recent studies have shown that the presence of natural coconut fat in the diet leads to a normalization of body lipids, protects alcohol damage to the liver, and improves the immune system's antiinflammatory response.
Coconut oil is needed for the good absorption of fat and calcium from infant formulas. Hence, it has been recommended in infant formulas.
Coconut oil is also known as coconut butter. It has the consistency and appearance of vegetable shortening. Coconut oil mainly comes from Australia, East Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka, where it is used for frying foods and flavor.
One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 116 calories, 13.5 grams of total fat, 11.7 grams of saturated fat, 0.8 grams of monounsaturated fats, and 0.2 grams of polyunsaturated fats.
The fatty acids in coconut oil are primarily medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are shorter than long-chain triglycerides that are found in other fats and oils and more easily metabolized. This is the reason why MCTs are used in some infant formulas and supplements to nourish hospital patients. Some animal studies have concluded that MCTs raise metabolism and promote weight loss, but preliminary human studies are not supportive at this time.
MCTs either do not affect total cholesterol, or they may raise HDL cholesterol and may improve the ratio of HDL (good) to LDL (bad) cholesterol. However, there is currently not enough evidence to correlate this relationship with reduced risk of heart attack or stroke due. Do not mistake virgin coconut oil for partially hydrogenated coconut oil in packaged goods, since any reported benefits are associated with virgin coconut oil.
With the rising popularity of coconut oil, many people have become interested in how to use coconut oil for skin care.
In fact, coconut oil skin and hair care products are popping up just about everywhere, and in many stores - you'll find jars of coconut oil hanging out alongside bottles of conventional lotion.
Unfortunately, because applying coconut oil to skin is a relatively new concept for most people, the whole process can seem confusing, and slightly intimidating.
Coconut oil is the oil extracted from the edible, fleshy "meat" of a coconut. It's a natural saturated fat, and is compromised almost entirely of medium-chain fatty acids. While that may not seem like anything extraordinary, coconut oil is one of the only sources of medium-chain fatty acids, which is what makes it so incredibly for skin.
Organic, unrefined coconut oil is the best coconut oil for skin care because it contains all the naturally occurring phytonutrients and polyphenols. Look for coconut oils described as "virgin," "cold pressed," or "raw
If you know you are prone to comedogenic acne, or - experience comedogenic acne with unrefined or refined coconut oil, you'll want to use a non-comedogenic oil like liquid coconut oil, which doesn't contain solidifying fatty acids. (More on that below!)
Studies also show that coconut oil reduces protein loss remarkably for both damaged and undamaged hair because of its molecular weight, and straight linear chain.[13] Lastly, coconut oil has been found to improve collagen cross-linking and increase antioxidant enzyme activity when applied regularly.[14]
While these studies don't prove that coconut oil works for everyone, it does show coconut oil is an effective, and superior moisturizer for face and body. I recommend applying coconut oil directly, or making coconut oil whipped body butter for a more luxurious experience. If you're traveling, I recommend using Tropical Traditions Moisturizing Cream.
Unrefined coconut oil is coconut oil that has been extracted from fresh coconut meat, using methods such as wet-milling or quick drying. This process keeps all the naturally occurring phytonutrients and polyphenols intact.
Refined coconut oil is oil that has been extracted from previously dried coconut meat with chemical solvents or through physical extraction methods. Coconut oil produced this way must be purified through refining, which means some of the beneficial nutrients in coconut oil are lost.
The last type, liquid coconut oil, is coconut oil with lauric acid removed. What's left is two other medium-chain fatty acids with lower melting points.
Coconut oil
How to Use Coconut Oil for Skin Care
Before we move into all the fantastic ways to use coconut oil for skin care, I highly recommend testing coconut oil on a small area of your skin before moving forward with any new protocols. It's best to apply coconut oil to your face and body in the same spot for 3-4 days in a row, which will allow you to know if you have any abnormal reactions to coconut oil.
While coconut oil is great for all skin types and works well for most people, there is no such thing as one size fits all skin care. We are all incredibly individual people with varying genetic backgrounds, and just because something does or doesn't work for another person does not mean it will or won't work for you. Keep an open mind, and be willing to use the feedback your skin gives you to find what protocols will work best for your skin.
If you suffer from skin conditions associated with dry skin such as atopic dermatitis (eczema), or xerosis, studies show coconut oil can improve skin hydration and lipid barrier function, and reduce skin infections.[17][18][19]
Coconut oil was also found to improve wound healing by increasing collagen cross-linking and antioxidant enzyme activity, which suggest coconut oil might be a sufficient way to treat minor cuts, scraps, and abrasions.[20] Personally, this is why I recommend applying coconut oil to many common skin conditions such as razor burn, ingrown hairs, and yes - pimples that have been "picked at."
And lastly, through a practice called oil pulling, coconut oil has been found to reduce plaque related gingivitis.21
Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks
Because coconut oil improves collagen cross-linking and can restore lipid barrier function, it also may be an effective treatment for stretch marks. While there is no scientific literature that exists that shows coconut oil improves stretch marks, the beneficial properties of coconut oil, and the empirical data that exists suggests coconut oil can reduce or prevent stretch marks.
I recommend applying coconut oil directly to stretch marks, or making a homemade tiger salve for added nourishing effects.
Coconut Oil for Face Washing
You can wash your face with coconut oil, or a combination of oils, using a protocol called the oil cleansing method. Using the principle of "like dissolves like" - the basic concept is this: the natural oil you massage into your skin dissolves the oil that has hardened on your skin with impurities and/or clogged your pores. When you apply steam from a warm wash cloth to your face, the pores open and the natural oil lifts any dirt or makeup out of pours, which can be easily wiped away.
Depending on your skin type, you can use just coconut oil, which is a carrier oil, or a combination of a carrier oil and an astringent oil, which is great for deeper cleansing. Check out my complete step-by-step tutorial on how to clean your face with coconut oil for more information.
Coconut Oil for Moisturizing
You've probably read a lot of back and forth about coconut oil for moisturizing. So, let's put speculation aside, and look at the literature. There are four studies that have looked at the moisturizing effects of coconut oil. When looking at treatment for conditions associated with dry, itchy skin, studies show coconut oil significant improves dryness, and does so better in comparison to other oils because of its antibacterial and emollient effects.[11][12]
How to Know if Coconut Oil is Not Right for Your Skin?
As mentioned before, there is no such thing as one size fits all skin care. While coconut oil is completely safe, and has no reported reactions or allergenic effects, it's best to test coconut oil on a small area of your skin prior to using any new coconut oil skin care protocols.
So, how will you know if coconut oil is not right for your skin? Typically, people experience one of two reactions. First, if you experience an increase in comedogenic acne, you should stop using coconut oil on your skin. Comedogenic acne is typically smaller is size, appears in multiples, and will have a rash-like appearance. While comedogenic acne can appear anywhere, it most commonly occurs on the forehead, checks, and chin.
Liquid coconut oil is a better option for people who are prone to comedogenic acne because the fatty acids with a higher melting point are removed.
Second, if your skin becomes more dry or flaky with the use of coconut oil, you'll want to stop using coconut oil until you can further assess the underlying cause of your dryness. Coconut oil is not a drying ingredient, however - it can be drying for people who suffer from dehydrated skin.
Dehydrated skin is skin that lacks water, even in the presence of sufficient oil. Because of coconut oil's molecular weight and shape, it penetrates deeply into skin, which may create the feeling of dryness on the surface of the skin. To improve this, I recommend mixing coconut oil with shea butter, which has humectant and emollient properties. Check out this whipped body butter recipe for reference.
While other oils or can absolutely be helpful, the most effective treatment for dehydrated skin is to drink sufficient water, and balance your water intake with appropriate levels of electrolytes like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. To do this, you can add a pinch of unprocessed sea salt to the water you drink, which will give your cells the minerals they need to absorb water appropriately.
So, what if coconut oil doesn't work for me?
If coconut oil isn't right for your skin, rest assured - there are plenty of other oils you can use. I recommend first trying out sweet almond oil or jojoba oil, as they are both great for all skin types.
It's important to note, if you have a reaction to coconut oil on your face, you may still be able to use coconut oil on your hair or body. If that's the case, try using jojoba oil or sweet almond oil for face cleansing, or this DIY facial moisturizer.
Coconut Oil for Acne
Preliminary research suggest coconut oil may be an effective treatment for certain types of acne, including Propionibacterium acnes, and has the potential to act as an alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.[15][16]
Because of its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil was found to be 15 times more effective at inhibiting bacteria growth associated with acne over benzoyl peroxide (BPO), a popular topical antibiotic medication for mild to moderate acne. Studies have also found coconut oil effectively reduces inflammation and swelling associated with acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
While this does not mean coconut oil is the solution to acne, it does suggest coconut oil might help improve acne for some people. If you're looking to experiment with using coconut oil for acne, I recommend first using coconut oil as a face wash. You can also apply coconut oil directly to acne as a moisturizer, which may also improve collagen cross-linking (wound healing), antioxidant enzyme activity, and lipid barrier function.
Coconut oil has also been used in India for ages to promote oral health. It can be used to clean and whiten teeth, and it helps to support strong and healthy teeth and gums. Try these natural remedies using coconut oil and impress your dentist the next time you go in for a cleaning.
Try this: Make your own delightful toothpaste from this recipe.
1/2 cup coconut oil
3 tablespoons of baking soda
10 drops cinnamon essential oil
10 drops clove essential oil
7 drops peppermint essential oil
7 drops myrrh extract
1 teaspoon neem oil
1 packet stevia powder (optional)
5 drops grapefruit seed extract (natural preservative, optional)
Run container of coconut oil under warm water to melt. Combine all ingredients and stir as oil cools. Scoop or pour the mixture into a small glass jar and seal with a lid. Let cool.
Another way to keep your mouth and teeth clean is with oil pulling, an Ayurvedic practice for oral health and detoxification that involves swishing oil around in your mouth. The theory is that the plaque and bacteria binds with the oil and is then disposed of when you spit it out, which purifies the mouth of harmful toxins. If you think about it, the plaque on your teeth is not water-soluble, it's fat-soluble, so it makes sense for dental care.
Try this:
Take 1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil and swish it around in your mouth (as you would mouthwash) for about 20 minutes.
Spit the oil out.
Hair Health
Coconut oil is used extensively in India for scalp treatments and hair health. It's applied to the scalp to treat dandruff, encourage hair growth, and promote lustrous locks.
Try this:
Place a small amount of coconut oil on your fingertips and give your scalp a good five-minute massage. This increases blood flow to the area, encourages hair growth, and also kills bacteria on the scalp.
Take a bit more oil in your fingers and run through your hair from root to end.
Leave the oil on for about 20 minutes and then rinse out with or without shampoo.
As hinted at above, coconut oil is a fantastic way to build healthy, luscious locks. Because of coconut oil's molecular weight and shape, coconut oil is able to penetrated deeply into hair, which reduces protein loss for both damaged and undamaged hair.[22] Coconut oil may also improve dandruff and dry scalp because of its antimicrobial properties. If you're looking to get started using coconut oil for hair, trying doing a coconut oil hair mask, and consider following it up with a DIY apple cider vinegar hair rinse.
Got lice? Coconut oil, in combination with anise spray, was found to be significantly more effective than pediculicide for eliminating lice.[23] Hopefully, this will never be information you'll have to put to use.
BONUS! Yes, coconut oil can do that.
So, what other random ways can you use coconut oil for skin care? Coconut oil can be used in place of shaving cream because when applied, it creates a moisturizing layer of protection on the skin. Many conventional shaving creams or foams tend to increase drying, making skin prone to becoming dry or itchy after showering.
Coconut oil is also a fantastic massage oil and personal lubricant. It's soft, has a nice scent, and doesn't dry out or get "sticky" with friction. (Note: it is unclear whether coconut oil works with latex condoms, so if you don't want babies, use another natural lubricant with condoms.)
Because of its antimicrobial properties, coconut oil also works great as a deodorant. You can use it by itself, with baking soda, or - you can purchase coconut oil deodorants like Stick Up from Primal Life Organics, or Stinkbug Naturals.
Coconut oil stimulates digestion with its lubricating effect. This can also help pacify Vata dryness and prevent constipation.
The unique saturated fats in coconut oil also have anti-microbial properties that fight harmful bacteria, candida, and parasites that cause digestion issues such as indigestion, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome.
The rare medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) in coconut oil are small compared to other fats and easily broken down into energy, so they don't have to be stored as fat or spike blood sugar levels.
A study published in the journal Lipids reported 40 women found a decrease in belly fat when taking coconut oil internally along with an exercise routine.
Skin Health
Coconut oil has been used in India for generations to help with overall skin health. It can be used as a moisturizer to improve complexion, suppleness, and elasticity. It can also be used to treat an array of skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, dry or flaky skin, scars, and burns.
Heart Health
Though one of the highest sources of saturated fat in the plant kingdom, coconut oil has actually been proven to be beneficial for cardiovascular health. Approximately 50 percent of the saturated fats in coconut oil is made up of lauric acid and is not at all like man-made, processed hydrogenated oils.
Research shows in numerous population studies that cultures that consume large quantities of coconut oil have very low rates of heart disease, show normal blood cholesterol levels, and exhibit superior cardiovascular health.
Immune System Support
The lauric acid in coconut oil is also found in breast milk-it helps support and build the immune system of a growing baby. Virgin coconut oil happens to have the highest concentration of lauric acid outside of mother's milk.
This potent fatty acid helps support a healthy immune system with its anti-viral properties.
Studies suggest that lauric acid may decrease infection or transmission of the following viruses: HIV virus, herpes simplex virus-1, and the measles virus.
Suppositories and Pessaries
Suppositories allow for the insertion of herbal preparations into a body orifice. They are commonly used for vaginal and rectal complaints. The word suppository is derived from the Latin suppositorum, which means, "something placed beneath." Pessary is an interchangeable term, referring specifically to a vaginal suppository. Suppositories, like many of the other preparations discussed in this section, are made from herbs that are anti-inflammatory to the mucous membranes, astringent to excessive discharges and damaged tissue, and antimicrobial. They are used extensively for vaginal infections and inflammation, cervical dysplasia, rectal fissures, and hemorrhoids.
Suppository molds can easily be prepared at home by patients, using aluminum foil that has been folded several times lengthwise, and then widthwise, to form a trough approximately 8 inches in length and ½ inch in width. Alternatively, suppository molds can be purchased from apothecary supply shops. The base of the suppository is a combination of coconut oil and cocoa butter, to which is added the desired combination of medicated oils, powdered herbs, and tinctures. This is then poured into the mold, refrigerated to harden, cut into pieces the size of the patient's pinky finger, and inserted as needed. It is recommended that women wear a sanitary napkin when the suppository is in place, lest the melting oil stain the undergarments.
To prepare a suppository:
Melt ¼ cup each of cocoa butter and coconut oil.
Add 2 tablespoons of powdered herbs, for example, a combination of Hydrastiscanadensis, Ulmusrubra, and Althea officinalis powders.
Add 15 drops of essential oil, for example, Lavandula officinalis and Thymus vulgaris and/or 1 tablespoon of appropriate herbal tincture.
Add 1 tablespoon of infused oil of Calendula officinalis (Fig. 3-30
Stir well and pour into the suppository mold. Refrigerate until firm. Insert vaginally or rectally as needed.
Suppositories will keep in the refrigerator or freezer for many weeks.
Salves (Ointments)
Salves are used for healing skin trauma and irritated or dry tissue. They are relatively easy to prepare and stored in a cool, dark environment, have a long shelf-life-often up to a year or more. Salve can be made from pre-made infused oil or by simmering herbs in oil to extract their constituents. Additionally, dried powdered herbs, essential oils, and tinctures can be added to a salve. Herbs commonly used in salves include Calendula officinalis, Plantagolanceolata, Stellaria media, Hamamelis virga urea, Hypericumperforatum, Commiphoramolmol, Hydrastiscanadensis, and Symphytumofficinale (radix or folia).
(Note: If making salve from pre-made oil, begin with step 3. See the following for directions on making herbal oil.) To prepare herbal salve:
Place 1 ounce of dried herbs and ½ of a cup of good-quality olive oil in a small saucepan. Simmer for 1 hour on a very low flame with the pot covered. Add additional oil if necessary to keep the herbs immerse, and watch carefully to avoid scorching.
Strain the herbs well through a cotton cloth or cheesecloth, squeezing as much of the oil as possible out of the plant material. You may need to let the oil cool before this can be done.
Pour the extracted oil into a clean, dry saucepan, adding ½ ounce of grated beeswax per every 4 ounces of oil. Melt over a low flame, stirring constantly until the beeswax is fully dissolved.
Check for readiness by pouring 1 teaspoon of the product into a small clean glass jar and placing in the freezer for 3 to 5 minutes. The salve should be firm and solid without being so hard that it can not be melted into your skin. If the consistency is correct, then pour the salve into small jars, cool to room temperature, cover, label, and store. If your salve is too soft, add more beeswax; if it is too hard, add more oil.
Preparing herbal oil for use in salve: Take the finely cut herb(s) of your choice and place in a clean, dry glass jar with a lid. Cover the herb material with olive oil, extending 1 inch above the top of the herbs. Cover and place the container in the sun or a warm location for 2 weeks. Shake the container daily. Strain the liquid into a clean glass jar, discarding the herb material. Store in a cool, dark place. This oil can be used to prepare salve, or alone as a medicated oil. The herbs used must be extractable in oil.
Oil pulling has also been used as a treatment for arthritis, blood disease, headaches, gum disease, toothache, lung and liver conditions, eczema, ulcers, and intestinal disorders.
Joint Health
Coconut oil is used as a treatment for painful joints and arthritis in Ayurveda, especially for arthritis due to Pitta inflammation.
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup castor oil
1 teaspoon sandalwood powder
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon guggulu powder
1/2 teaspoon shatavari
1/4 teaspoon neem oil
1/4 teaspoon clove oil
Pinch of fine ground Himalayan sea salt
Mix all ingredients together and rub over painful joints. Cover the area with saran wrap or dish towel to avoid staining clothes. Place a warm to hot water bottle over the area for 20 to 30 minutes so the oil can absorb into the skin.
Brain Health
A Sanskrit term Dravya is similar to the "doctrine of signatures" which states that each body part has a food that looks similar to it that can be used to treat ailments in that part of the body. For example, a walnut looks similar to a brain and happens to be high in omega 3s, which are great for brain health.
Likewise, a coconut resembles a cranium and is used to nourish brain tissue, improve cognitive function, and supply lubrication to the skull and brain. Ayurveda also considers the coconut to be MahaMedhya, a great nourishing source for the mind.
Ayurvedically speaking, coconut oil has a cooling property. Therefore, it can be used as a full body and face moisturizer, particularly in the summer for its cooling effects and SPF properties.
It's also extremely beneficial for the Pitta dosha, which is associated with the fire element, to treat symptoms associated with Pitta imbalance including anger, inflammation, and high blood pressure.
Try this: Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic massage that you can practice on yourself.
Place warm coconut oil on your body from head to toe.
Spend quality time on each area rubbing it in. Use vigorous strokes to improve circulation.
Follow this by going straight into a steam room or sauna to expel the impurities from your pores. Or simply take a hot salt bath.
Coconut oil can also be used as a natural deodorant as it's a proven killer of odor-causing bacteria.
When heated at high temperatures, many other oils including, olive, soy, corn, and vegetable oil become unstable and can even produce toxins and trans-fats. Coconut oil is one of the only oils that can withstand high temperatures, which makes it a great choice for cooking.
It has a wonderful nutty and slightly sweet flavor and works well with a variety of dishes, especially desserts.
Try this: Raw Coco-Nutty Superfood Smoothie
2 cups organic coconut milk, homemade or vanilla unsweetened
1 cup coconut water
1/2 cup raw organic almond butter
2 tablespoons cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil
1/2 banana (optional)
1 tablespoon cacao powder or nibs
1 tablespoon maca powder
1 teaspoon chia seeds, can be pre-soaked in the fridge the night before in coconut milk
1 teaspoon amla extract (optional)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder (optional)
Ice (optional)
Oil-based preparations rely on the use of olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, or other oils as a base, to which are added medicated herbal oils, essential oils, herbal powders, and tinctures. Note that when herbal tinctures are added to suppositories, the oil-water combination will create slightly separated layers in the finished product.
1. For cooking: Coconut oil is commonly use in preparing food. It has high stability in high temperature. It has high smoke point hence does a great frying job in the kitchen. It is also use in baking and making different snacks. It is used in making homemade chocolate candies. It can be use in place of soy oil and sunflower oil in frying.
2. As energy booster, Coconut oil has a medium chain triglyceride that helps to supply high quantities of energy. When you are short of energy, you can spread it on sprouted grain bread. You can also mix it with your coffee to boost energy. It can replace your dairy creamer when you blend your coffee and coconut oil together; you can add your sweetener. You will be surprise at the great taste you will get from it. Without adding dairy, it will produce a rich creamy flavor. This mixture helps to boost energy and performance in athletes.
I recommend getting coconut oil in bulk, and storing it in mason jar shot glasses (seriously, so adorb) or mini Weck jars. For traveling, seal the jar, and throw it in a sealable plastic bag.
1. For nail cuticles and cracked heels, using coconut oil on cracked heels is very effective. It penetrates deep into the sole and soothes the foot. It also kills bacteria. Applying coconut oil to the nail cuticles reduces the risk of having fungal infections. coconut oil reduces the risk of getting infected with bacteria and fungi in salon.
2. For cold sore treatment, apply coconut oil to cold sore around the moth heals it effectively. Coconut oil contains lauric acid that reduces the lifespan of the causative agent.Recommended: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Cold Sore
3. As Part of Makeup Kit, coconut oil can be use as make up brush cleaner. It also helps to disinfect the brushes. Rub the oil on the brush and leave for like 5 minutes. The use a clean tissue paper to wipe it off. You don't need to disturb yourself about the remaining brush on the brush since it is also good foot the skin.Just as the way coconut oil is used to clean make
4.As Face Wash, applying coconut oil on cotton wool greatly cleanses the face. It can be use to replace your face cleanser. You can mix it with honey to get better result.
5. As Deodorants, when coconut oil is mixed with baking soda, it can be use ad deodorants on armpit. It also helps to lighten dark armpit. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that help to keep microbes and bacterial growth in control.
6. As Sunscreen, coconut oil can serves as a natural sunscreen. It is also use to treat sun burn. It helps to prevent sun damage. Rub coconut oil to affected area and it will enhance fast healing.
7. As Shaving Cream, coconut oil is used before or after shaving to avoid bumps, irritations and rashes growth.
8. As Insect Repellent, to get you insect repellant from coconut oil, mix it with tea tree oil, rosemary and some drops of peppermint. This is natural insect repellant and it is safe for use. It repels insects like mosquitoes, flies and bees
.9. For Body Massage, mixing coconut oil, lavender oil and peppermint oil produces natural massage oil. It has a soothing effect on the skin. It heals sore muscle and aids relaxation.
10. For Hair Treatment, coconut oil is very effective in treating hair problems especially dandruff. It also reduces dryness of the scalp. It enhances hair growth. It also use in softening hair especially when using hair straightener. It helps to moisturize both human hair and synthetic hairs. Coconut oil can be used as shampoo when mixed with apple vinegar. This serves as natural shampoo with no harsh chemicals. Using coconut oil and apple vinegar as shampoo gives your hair a bright soft and shiny hair. It gets rid of dull and yellowish or orange hair color. Coconut oil is also a good hair conditioner. It is commonly use by hair stylist to style hair and strengthens it. using coconut oil on hair helps to moisturize it and retain hair moisture. Apply coconut oil from the hair root and use comb to brush it up for effective work.Coconut oil is very effective in de-tangling hair especially in infants and babies. Apply little coconut oil on the wet hair and comb gently. It detangles the hair smoothly with less pain.Coconut oil can also be used to remove gum from hair. Leave coconut oil on the hair for some minutes and try to pull out gradually. Coconut oil can also be use to remove gum from furniture. Recommended: Hair Loss: Treatment, Types, Cause and Prevention of Hair loss (Alopecia)
11. up brush, it can be used to clean hair brush too.Coconut oil can also be use as cheek bone highlighter. You can apply it to your eyelid and cheek bones to gives a shiny look to your cheeks. No need for makeup removal when you use it as makeup. It can also be use in place of mascara. It can also be used as lip balm. It gives you soft lips when use frequently.Coconut oil is good for the skin as it makes your skin soft and fresh. You can mix it with oatmeal and cinnamon to serve as face scrub.
14. As Stretch Mark Remover, coconut oil can be use as a stretch mark remover or reducer. Applying the oil fades the mark away. It is good for pregnant women when they rub it on their stomach; it reduces the risk of coming down with the stretch mark after giving birth.
15. As Baby Ointment, coconut oil is effective as baby ointment especially when baby develop rashes from diaper. It helps reduces redness, burns and swellings caused by diaper. It can also be use to clean baby when changing diaper.
16. To Boost Immunity, coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid. These acids are strong anti-viral which helps to improve body immunity. They also have antifungal and antibacterial effect in the body.
17. As Detergent, when you combined coconut oil with lye and water it produce a perfect cleaning for cloth. It is a non toxic soapy liquid which is good for cloth. It reduces the case of cloth fading. It is found in some homemade hand soap.Coconut oil can also be use to prevent rusting. It can be rubbed on metal panels. When rust has already occurred, it can help reduce the rust.
18. As Anti inflammatory Oil, coconut oil reduces the case of inflammation that may lead to chronic conditions. Coconut oil enhances a healthy liver and kidney.
19. For Acne and Pimples Treatment, acne is commonly seen in young adults and adolescents. Acne and pimples are caused by bacteria imbalance. Coconut oil is a natural antibiotic that is effective in killing these bacteria. You can add honey with coconut oil for better result.Coconut oil can be used on insect sting like bee. It helps to fasten wound cure.Women on menopause can use coconut oil for menopause dryness.
20. For the Digestive system, coconut oil aids digestion. It is a healthy fat that encourage the growth of probiotics. Coconut oil helps to reduce the bad fat; that is, cholesterol in the body. it increases the high density lipoprotein HDL, which are good body fat. These HDL are good for the heart and it reduces the case heart diseases like arteriosclerosis and heart attack. Coconut oil use helps to reduce high blood pressure.It helps in the absorption of essential nutrients in the body. coconut oil contains vitamin K, Vitamin E, oleic acid, linoleic acid, lauric acid, myristic acid, capric acid, caprylic acid and lauric acid. Lauric acid is easily absorbed by the body.Coconut oil is also used in treating peptic ulcer. It helps to reduce the occurrence of the causative agent, Helicobacter pylori.Coconut oil is also known to improve thyroid gland and adrenal gland function.
Recommended: Peptic Ulcer: Top Fast Home Remedies
21. For Different Infections, coconut oil can be used to treat vaginal yeast infections and Candida. In case of pile and hemorrhoid, mix coconut oil with lavender oil and take few spoons.It is also use in treating bladder infections and athletes' foot caused by fungi.22. For Treating Animals, coconut oil is also use in treating animals. It is use in cleaning dog ears. Coconut oil is also use to clean udder of dairy cows and goats.